
Supported versions

Mixer is developed and actively tested on Windows 10. Community users reported successful usage on Linux platform.

The currently supported Blender version is 2.93.x. Blender 3.0 will be supported soon.


Open the latest release page from the Mixer Gihub releases page. Download the zip file listed in Assets that has the package icon: package-icon.


Launch Blender, open the Preferences panel and go to the Add-ons section. Press the Install button located at the top of the panel. A dialog box opens, pick the Mixer zip file you previously downloaded and validate. The add-on will be installed. Click on the checkbox at the left side of its name to enable it.


Once the addon is enabled, a Mixer tab is displayed in the 3D viewport N-Panel.

Now close Blender to save your user preferences with the Mixer installation and you are ready for your first steps with Mixer.